Tuesday, March 17, 2020
David Koresh, Leader of Deadly Branch Davidians Cult
David Koresh, Leader of Deadly Branch Davidians Cult David Koresh (August 17, 1959–April 19, 1993) was the charismatic leader of a religious sect known as the Branch Davidians. During a deadly standoff in Waco, Texas with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), Koresh and more than 80 of his followers were killed. Early Years David Koresh (born Vernon Wayne Howell) was born in Texas to a fourteen-year-old mother. He never knew his father, who broke up with his mother before she gave birth. The young Koresh Howells mother later moved in with a violent and abusive man. When Koresh was four years old, he was sent to be raised by his maternal grandmother, but when he was seven, his mother got married and he went back to live with her and her new husband. However, he still attended religious services regularly with his grandmother, who took him to her Seventh Day Adventist church. As a teenager, Koresh struggled with dyslexia and was placed in special education classes. He was considered awkward and unpopular. He dropped out of school before his senior year of high school, and in his early twenties, he committed statutory rape, resulting in a 15-year-old girls pregnancy. He was later thrown out of his mother’s evangelical church after pursuing the pastor’s teenage daughter and saying that God had ordered him to marry her. By the early eighties, he moved to Waco, where he joined the Branch Davidians at their Mount Carmel Center. Within a year or so, Koresh was claiming to have the gift of prophecy. Sygma via Getty Images / Getty Images The Branch Davidians When Koresh joined the Branch Davidians, it is believed he was involved in a sexual relationship Lois Roden, the wife of Branch Davidian founder Benjamin Roden. Koresh said that God wanted him to father a child with Lois, who was 65 years old at the time, and that this child would be the â€Å"chosen one.†His interest in Lois soon waned, however, and in 1984 he claimed that God wanted him to marry a 14 year old named Rachel Jones. In 1984, Jones parents gave her permission to marry Koresh, who had at this point adopted the Koresh name (though he would not change it legally until 1990). After escalated infighting between Koresh and the Roden family, particularly Lois’ son George, Koresh and Jones left in 1995, along with 25 other members of the group. They moved to Palestine, Texas, 90 miles away from Waco, and lived in buses and tents for several years. Koresh used this period to recruit new members, not only from Texas but from California, Israel, and the United Kingdom. Following Lois Roden’s death., Koresh and George Roden found themselves battling for control of the Waco compound. George challenged Koresh to a spiritual duel of sorts, involving the resurrection of a corpse. Koresh took advantage of the opportunity to go to law enforcement and get George out of the way once and for all. He was told he’d need to provide evidence that George had illegally exhumed a dead body, and when he and seven supporters arrived at the compound, a gunfight erupted. George Roden was injured, and Koresh and his men were arrested. When they explained that they were on the property to gather evidence of abuse of a corpse, they were acquitted of the charges of attempted murder. In 1989, George Roden was himself charged with murder after killing one of his own supporters with an axe (the man had claimed to be the true Messiah). Once Roden was sent to a psychiatric prison, Koresh and his followers were able to raise the money to purchase the Waco property themselves. Accusations of Abuse There were repeated accusations against Koresh of statutory rape and â€Å"spiritual marriages with underage women. Koresh claimed to have fathered children with several women and girls in the group; he said he had received a revelation from God, telling him to father two dozen children to serve as leaders once the Rapture came. There were also claims that Koresh and other members of the group were physically abusing children. One incident involved the beating of Koresh’s three-year-old son Cyrus. A lengthy investigation by Child Protective Services was launched. Michelle Jones, one of the alleged victims, was assigned a surrogate husband to throw investigators off the trail. The investigators ultimately failed to turn up any concrete evidence. Meanwhile, Koresh and his followers had begun stockpiling weapons, forming an â€Å"Army of God,†to prepare for the apocalypse. Koresh claimed to have cracked the code of the Book of Revelations and warned that the End Times were near. Shelly Katz / Getty Images The Waco Standoff In February 1993, federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) went to the Waco compound to serve a warrant for illegal firearms and take Koresh into custody. The raid turned into a four-hour gunfight. At its conclusion, four ATF agents and six of Koresh’s followers were dead. This led to a standoff, which lasted 51 days. Did You Know? In the years since Waco, law enforcement officials have spent time studying the failed raid and the standoff itself in an effort to determine what went wrong. As a result, several changes have been made to federal law enforcement protocols in cases of hostage situations. Negotiators from the ATF and the FBI worked endlessly to end the standoff, and a few of the Branch Davidian members were able to exit the compound safely. However, more than 80 men, women, and children, remained inside. The ATF and the FBI used tear gas in an effort to end the siege. In response, the Branch Davidians continued the gunfire. As a result, the compound caught on fire. A few people managed to escape the fire, but 76 were killed. Most died when the compound collapsed during the blaze, while others were killed by gunshot wounds, including Koresh, who was found shot in the head. It has never been determined whether Koresh killed himself, or whether he was shot by another member of the group. Nearly two dozen of the dead were under the age of 17.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Serial Killer Michael Ross, The Roadside Strangler
Serial Killer Michael Ross, The Roadside Strangler The story of confessed serial killer Michael Ross is a tragic tale of a young man who came from a farm he loved, and a childhood filled with parental abuse, although he could not remember the experiences. It is also a tale of this same man who, driven by sexually violent fantasies, brutally raped and murdered eight young girls. And finally, it is a tragic tale of a judicial system that is riddled with imperfections in its responsibility of deciding life or death. Michael Ross - His Childhood Years Michael Ross was born on July 26, 1959, to Daniel and Pat Ross in Brooklyn, Connecticut. According to court records, the two married after Pat had discovered she was pregnant. The marriage was not a happy one. Pat hated farm life, and after having four children and two abortions, she ran off to North Carolina to be with another man. When she returned home, she was institutionalized. The admitting doctor wrote that Pat talked of suicide and of beating and striking her children. Michael Ross sister has said that as a child, Ross took the brunt of his mothers anger. It is also suspected that an uncle of Ross who committed suicide may have sexually molested Ross while babysitting him. Ross said he remembered very little about his childhood abuse although he never forgot how much he loved helping his father around the farm. Strangling Chickens After his uncle had committed suicide, the job of killing sick and malformed chickens became eight-year-old Michaels responsibility. He would strangle the chickens with his hands. As Michael got older, more of the farm responsibilities became his, and by the time he was in high school, his father depended a lot on Ross help. Michael loved farm life and met his responsibilities while also attending high school. With a high IQ of 122, balancing school with farm life was manageable. By this time, Ross was exhibiting antisocial behavior, including stalking young teenage girls. Ross College Years In 1977, Ross entered Cornell University and studied agricultural economics. He began dating a woman who was in ROTC and dreamed of someday marrying her. When the woman became pregnant and had an abortion, the relationship began to falter. After she had decided to signup for a four-year service commitment, the relationship ended. In retrospect, Ross said as the relationship became more troubled he began to have fantasies that were sexually violent. By his sophomore year, he was stalking women. In his senior year at college, despite being engaged to another woman, Ross fantasies were consuming him, and he committed his first rape. In that same year, he also committed his first rape and murder by strangulation. Ross said afterward he hated himself for what he did and tried to commit suicide, but lacked the ability to do it and instead promised himself he would never hurt anyone again. However, between 1981 and 1984, while working as an insurance salesman, Ross had raped and killed eight young women, the oldest being 25. The Victims Dzung Ngoc Tu, 25, a Cornell University student, killed May 12, 1981.Paula Perrera, 16, of Wallkill, N.Y., killed in March 1982Tammy Williams, 17, of Brooklyn, killed Jan. 5, 1982Debra Smith Taylor, 23, of Griswold, killed June 15, 1982Robin Stavinksy, 19, of Norwich, killed November 1983April Brunias, 14, of Griswold, killed April 22, 1984Leslie Shelley, 14, of Griswold, killed April 22, 1984Wendy Baribeault, 17, of Griswold, killed June 13, 1984 The Search for a Killer Michael Malchik was assigned chief investigator after the murder of Wendy Baribeault in 1984. Witnesses provided Malchik with both the description of the car a blue Toyota and the person who they believed kidnapped Wendy. Malchik began the process of interviewing a list of blue Toyota owners which brought him to Michael Ross. Malchik testified that during their initial meeting, Ross enticed him to ask more questions by dropping subtle hints that he was their man. By now, Ross was living in Jewett City as an insurance salesman. His parents had divorced and sold the farm. During the interview with Malchik, Ross told of his past two arrests on sex offenses. It was at this point Malchik decided to bring him to the station for questioning. At the station, the two talked like old friends: discussing family, girlfriends, and life in general. By the conclusion of the interrogation, Ross confessed to the kidnapping, rape, and murder of eight young women. The Judicial System: In 1986 Ross defense team moved for a dismissal on two of the murders, Leslie Shelley and April Brunais, because they were not murdered in Connecticut and not within the jurisdiction of the state. The state said that the two women were murdered in Connecticut, but even if they hadnt been, the murders began and ended in Connecticut which granted the state jurisdiction. But then a question of credibility came up when the state produced a statement by Malchik claiming that Ross gave him directions to the crime scene. Malchik claimed that somehow the directions were left out of statements, both written and taped two years earlier. Ross denied ever giving such directions. Evidence in Rhode Island The defense produced cloth matching a slipcover in Ross apartment which was found in the woods in Exeter, Rhode Island, along with a ligature used to strangle one of the girls. The defense also produced a taped statement of Ross offering to take the police to the crime scene, although Malchik stated he did not recall such an offer. Possible Cover-Up Superior Court Judge Seymour Hendel exploded during the closed hearing, accusing the prosecutors and police of purposely misleading the court with lies. Some of the counts against Ross were removed, however, the judge refused to reopen the suppression hearing on Ross confession. When sealed records were opened two years later, Hendel retracted his statements. In 1987, Ross was convicted of the murders of four of the eight women he confessed to having killed. It took the jury 86 minutes of deliberations to convict him and only four hours to decide on his punishment death. But the trial itself faced a lot of criticism in regards to the Judge who presided over it. Imprisonment During the next 18 years that he spent on death row, Ross met Susan Powers, from Oklahoma, and the two were engaged to be married. She ended the relationship in 2003 but continued to visit Ross up until his death. Ross became a devout Catholic while in prison and would pray the rosary daily. He was also accomplished at translating Braille and helping troubled inmates. In the final year of his life, Ross, who had always been opposed to the death penalty, said he no longer objected to his own execution. According to Cornell graduate Kathryn Yeager. Ross believed that he had been forgiven by God and that he would be going to a better place once he was executed. She also said that Ross did not wish for the victims families to suffer any more pain. Execution Having waived his right to appeal, Michael Ross was scheduled to be executed on January 26, 2005, but an hour before the execution was to take place, his lawyer obtained a two-day stay of execution on behalf of Ross father. The execution was rescheduled for January 29, 2005, but early in the day was postponed again as a question into Ross mental capabilities came into play. His lawyer said Ross was incapable of waiving appeals and that he was suffering from death row syndrome. Ross was executed by lethal injection on May 13, 2005, at 2:25 a.m., at Osborn Correctional Institution in Somers, Connecticut. His remains were buried at the Benedictine Grange Cemetery in Redding, Connecticut. After the execution, Dr. Stuart Grassian, a psychiatrist who had argued that Ross was not competent to waive appeal, received a letter from Ross dated May 10, 2005, which read Check, and mate. You never had a chance!
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