Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal - 968 Words
Recently a new survey was released that described how police chiefs all over the country feel concerning the death penalty. Most chiefs came back and said that they feel the death penalty is unsuccessful. Politicians on the other hand have forgotten what law enforcement is all about and have instead given tax payers an tremendously expensive way to deal with crime. Politicians fail to realize that instead of using that money to support the death penalty we could be using that money to advance law enforcement. The police chiefs feel that the death penalty does not reduce crime and have actually ordered it as the least cost effective way for regulating crime. The police feel that reinforcing people, controlling illegal drugs, punishing criminals through corrections and controlling guns are more effective than the death penalty. Most people believe that the police are supporters for the death penalty, but the reality is that most officers would agree that a life sentence without parole is a more appropriate punishment versus the death penalty. It has been proven that the death penalty does not reduce the risk of rapes and other major crimes. The biggest problem with the death penalty is that our politicians in Congress are too busy debating whether or not to keep the death penalty so they are not coming up with more effective ways to deal with crime. The death penalty should be eliminated in America because it does not prevent crime; it costs a lot of money, and has had aShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal1261 Words  | 6 PagesThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal The death penalty should not be legal because of two major reasonings. These reasons are, the death penalty takes the lives of many innocent people, and it also costs too much. The death penalty should not be legal because innocent people are wrongly convicted and killed. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, it puts innocent lives at risk. At least 4.1% of all defendants sentenced to death in the United States in the modern era are innocent (DeathRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal1457 Words  | 6 PagesThe death penalty can be traced all the way to biblical times when people were executed for many reasons such as: for not believing in their god(s), choosing to interact in sexual conduct while unmarried, stealing, murder, etc. The methods of execution back in those times were to either: stone, hang, slay, crucify, and burn not only the offender who committed the crime, but if he or she had a family, the entire family was executed with them as a warning to the people of their tribe or city to notRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Legal?985 Words  | 4 PagesBen Goble Mr. Newman English Comp. November 4, 2015 Should the Death Penalty be Legal? The death penalty, also called capital punishment, has been a topic of debate among the public for many years, gaining very little ground in changing the legality of it one way or the other. The topic is very controversial because many people feel that it is wrong to take the life of another person. On the other hand a very comparable number of people push for the legality of capital punishment for condemningRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal1004 Words  | 5 Pagesabolish death penalty†(Bosman). In thirty-one states, federal government and military legal system, the death penalty is lawful. Even the Supreme Court has been changed direction of capital punishment. One day, it could be a legal and illegal by the Supreme Court. Most of European countries ban the death penalty except Belarus that if a criminal involve international terrorism, murdered, inhumane crime and the criminal receives death penalty. Nowadays, banned the death penalty becomeRead MoreDeath Penalty Should Be Legal943 Words  | 4 PagesDo you think that death penalty will give justice for the innocent lives? The death penalty continues to be an issue of controversy in the whole world because people have different beliefs for giving justice to the innocents. For some people, they want it legal because death penalty will give justice for the innocent victims and a form of vengeance to the criminals. On the flipside, other people don’t agree with it because a lot of innocents are putting into death. These people believe that it isRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal1573 Words  | 7 PagesThere are many legal issues that come along with the death penalty. Ratified on December 15, 1791, The United States Bill of Rights states in its eight amendment, â€Å"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.†(8th Amendment to the Constitutio n). The Supreme Court stated during the 1958 case of Trop v. Dulles, that the 8th amendment must draw its meaning from the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturingRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal1555 Words  | 7 Pageshave on a person? The death penalty, or capital punishment, is one of the most debated topics in America. It has been used for centuries, but many claim it to be barbaric, and want the practice to end all together. The death penalty should only be used in cases where there is absolute evidence that the criminal is guilty, because life in prison can be an alternative, there are many flaws in the justice system, and it can be a cruel and unusual punishment. The death penalty is legal in 32 states, theRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal1554 Words  | 7 Pagesreceive the death penalty. Some say it is what they deserve, while others say that it is a â€Å"cruel and unusual†punishment. States, such as New Jersey, have already banned the penalty, but some states are still pending on whether to have the penalty or to follow New Jersey’s path . If you were to go and ask people why they are against the death penalty, they would say it is because it goes against morality, constitutionality, and the irrevocable mistakes of putting the wrong person to death. WhenRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Not Be Legal1553 Words  | 7 Pagescalled problems with our system of justice is the death penalty. Capital punishment in this country seems to have its pros and cons. There are more issues and complications with being sentenced to death, while the positives are minuscule. The death penalty should not be allowed in the United States, and there are many reasons for this argument. The death penalty has caused controversy in the country since it became popular. 31 states use the death penalty and is also used by the military. Its use isRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal Essay2884 Words  | 12 Pagesis the death penalty - should it be legalized across the 50 states or be declared unconstitutional? Some believe the death penalty is a better option for those who deserve the highest form of punishment available. However, others argue capital punishment is a waste of resources and should be brought to an end. Therefore, while many believe the death penalty should be legalized throughout the United States because it offers a higher form of punishment, others believe the death penalty should be repealed
Monday, May 18, 2020
Ideals Of The American Revolution - 1100 Words
Neither the framing nor the ratification of the Constitution were counter-revolutionary and neither contradicts the ideals of the American Revolution, rather, the Constitution corresponds and complies with a doctrine of fair governance as elucidated by the Declaration of Independence and thus allows for the system of checks and balances imperative to a final product that can guarantee a unified egalitarian republic. However, in order to prove this point, it must be conceded that the so-called â€Å"ideals of the American Revolution†can be no better embodied by one defining document than the Declaration of Independence because, in essence, it acts as the singular mission statement behind the Revolutionary War itself. Logically then its text is paramount to the framework that determines whether or not something is or is not in accordance with the ideals of the Revolutionary War because if an ideal contradicts the Declaration, then it, by definition, must contradict the ideals of the Revolutionary War. The Constitution fulfills the criteria of a fair and just system of governance as described by the Declaration of Independence, which means that the Constitution lives up to the ideals of the American Revolutionary War. This is evidenced by, but is not limited to, the numerous protections of two preeminent criteria of fair governance as described by the Declaration of Independence. The first protection is the protection of the â€Å"all men [having the right to] life, liberty andShow MoreRelatedFrench Revolution: the Solution to Class Inequality1141 Words  | 5 PagesThe French Revolution was one of the most important events that occurred in the history of France. The revolution crumpled the Old Regime and completely transformed the social and political system of France. The people of France sought to establish a more egalitarian society through their newly created Republic. When Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Baron de Montesquieu introdu ced individual liberty, natural rights and equality the ideas of revolution emerged. AsRead MoreClassical Liberalism: Two Treatises on Government by John Locke1152 Words  | 5 Pagesare not inherently bad. If anything, the people need someone to guide them but not have absolute rule over them. Revolutions have been based off of Enlightenment ideals because they are used to benefit the majority not the rich elite. John Locke, and his book Two Treatises on Government, impacted the Enlightenment by spreading the ideals around the world, which influenced revolutions. Locke wrote that â€Å"the state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, whichRead MoreEssay on A Radical Revolution1343 Words  | 6 Pageswrites Rosemarie Zagarri, â€Å"is the story of how American women and men sought to define – and ultimately to limit and restrict – the expansive ideals they had so successfully deployed against Britain.†In this excerpt from Revolutionary Backlash, Zagarri depicts the extreme radicalism of the American Revolution, while also suggesting that there were some constraints to its extremism. Unlike the normal way of life in European government and society, Americans desired a nation in which the inherent rightsRead MoreCharacteristics Of The Atlantic Revolutions1050 Words  | 5 PagesThe Atlantic Revolutions form 1750-1914 created widespread movements and connected the globe by sharing common ideas. Since 1914, the ideals of human society from the Atlantic Revolutions, such as independence, political changes, and freedoms for all, are confirmed by society’s constant attempt to attain such values. Those ideals set the foundation of modern society and maintain to be an essential characteristic of society’s evolvement. Prominently, the fight for independence shaped the AtlanticRead MoreThe American Revolution Set up Equality and Power for America621 Words  | 3 PagesChristopher Hitchens claims that â€Å"†¦ the American Revolution is the only revolution that still resonates†and this claim is valid because the American Revolution led to democratic ideals and governments being spread across the world, it set the precedent of equality in our country, and it set it up to be the world power it is today. America’s Revolution gave birth to real applications of Enlightenment ideals, and in doing so spurred movements of independence and democracy around the world duringRead MoreHistory : The American Revolution Essay1435 Words  | 6 Pagesmoral quality, which was strongly held in the people’s hearts in America, and it consequently spread to other countries in the world. It is believed that American Revolution was the most important chapter in human history just because it was their action that made the ideals of liberty, equality, and justice to materialize. The American Revolution had a very big significance worldwide as it changed the world not by removing and altering of power in any of the states but by the appearance of the newRead MoreHistory : The American Revolution1442 Words  | 6 Pagesmoral quality, which was strongly held in the people’s hearts in America, and it consequently spread to other countries in the world. It is believed that American R evolution was the most important chapter in human history just because it was their action that made the ideals of liberty, equality, and justice to materialize. The American Revolution had a very big significance worldwide as it changed the world not by removing and altering of power in any of the states but by the appearance of the newRead MoreThe Role of Freemasons in the American Revolution Essay1176 Words  | 5 Pageshistorians were asking questions for years before, the 2004 film National Treasure sparked new interest in the Mason’s role in the American Revolution. The study of Revolutionary era freemasonry truly began in the early 20th century with authors such Sidney Morse and Bernard Fay. These authors believed that the Freemasons were the driving force behind the Revolution, making connections between Masons and important historical leaders and events. But revisionist historians such as Margaret C. JacobRead MoreThe Justification Of The Whiskey Rebellion1430 Wor ds  | 6 Pagescitizens of their rights, the American republic modeled the very government that they had once rebelled against. The government’s response to the Whiskey Rebellion was a departure from the spirit of the American Revolution. Desperate to solidify the power of the majority, political leaders (especially Alexander Hamilton) relied on fear and oppression to assert its dominance over the states. By valuing the unity of the nation over the life and stability of the minority, the American government undid muchRead MoreThe Unprecedented Success Of Revolution1594 Words  | 7 PagesCivilization HU-103 May 7, 2017 The Unprecedented Success of Revolution No one has ever changed the world by doing what the world has told them to do. In fact, many of our recent inventions, rights, political systems, and comforts have come into existence through the sweats and tears of revolution, an often chaotic and transformative event that attempts to change a nation, society, or world. And though it can be argued that revolution results in the bloodshed of masses, it is imperative to understand
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Secret Behind By Ernest Hemingway - 1857 Words
â€Å"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.†Ernest Hemingway. This is what Hemingway thinks about writing, and this is the secret behind him being one of the great and most influential American 20th century novelists and one of the best writers in the history. Ernest Miller Hemingway was an American author and journalist. Hemingway s trademark prose style  simple and spare  influenced a generation of writers. Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois, United States. Best known for his novels and short stories. Also, he was a war correspondent and an accomplished journalist. One of his famous quotes â€Å"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.†Ernest Hemingway. This is His opinion about wars. He was awarded both the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize in literature and several of his books were used to make movies. After very long struggles with depression, Hemingway took his own life in 1961. Some of his famous novels are â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea†and â€Å"A Farewell to Arms†. In 1923, Hemingway had a son’s name is John Hemingway from his wife Hadley. By that time, Hemingway had also begun frequenting the famous Festival of San Fermin in Pamplona, Spain. In 1925, the couple, joining a group of American and British expatriates, had a trip to that festival. This trip provided the basis of Hemingway s first novel, The Sun Also Rises. The novel is considered Hemingway s best work,Show MoreRelatedHemingway s Secret Autobiography : Symbols1398 Words  | 6 PagesJames Wang Ms. D. Phillips English 9H 6 October 2015 Hemingway’s Secret Autobiography Symbols. Since the origins of organized society, mankind’s imagination has implanted deeper, figurative connotations in the simplest of objects. The dawn of Christianity saw to the introduction of one of the most impactful symbols to this day: Jesus of Nazareth s Cross. The Cross to this day embodies both the physical representation of the values of Christianity, all the while being a tangible token of atonementRead MoreThe Killers And The Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber1731 Words  | 7 PagesMacomber By: Ernest Hemingway When analysing Ernest Hemingway s work in both â€Å"The Killers†and â€Å"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber†you come across many forms of literary devices that hemingway used throughout both novelas and how his application of the elements used in both stories. In both stories we see him use the themes of violence and grace when faced with violence as well as demonstrating the power relations between the characters of both tales along with his use of ‘the hemingway hero†Read MoreThe Marxist And Postcolonial Lenses1366 Words  | 6 PagesWith each of these perspectives comes a set of important analytical questions that break the story apart and delve deeper into the author’s true meaning. One such author famous for hiding a deeper meaning beneath the surface of his stories is Ernest Hemingway. By analyzing literature through the Marxist and Postcolonial lenses, one can see Hemingway’s inner thoughts about how people view and interac t with each other, on both a classist and racist level. The Marxist standpoint is known to illuminateRead More Ernest Hemingways Hills Like White Elephants Essay1065 Words  | 5 PagesErnest Hemingways Hills Like White Elephants Ernest Hemingways short story Hills Like White Elephants relies on symbolism to carry the theme of either choosing to live selfishly and dealing with the results, or choosing a more difficult and selfless path and reveling in the rewards. The symbolic materials and the symbolic characters aid the readers understanding of the subtle theme of this story. The hills symbolize two different decisions that the pregnant girl in our story is facedRead MoreThe Battle for Power in the Garden of Eden Essay618 Words  | 3 Pagesphilosophers and thinkers have explored humanitys desire to be in control. Hemingway was one author to explore womans desire (during the early 1900s) to be in control of, or at least equal to, her husband. In The Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway, the anti-heroine, Catherine, goes to great lengths to gain power in her relationship with her husband. Her need to be equal causes her to `make herself into a boy, keep secrets from her husband, try to control him in variou s ways, introduce another womanRead MoreRoman Fever and Hills Like White Elephants Essay2110 Words  | 9 Pagesauthors of these stories often use different literary techniques to help uncover the revelation their main characters undergo. Through the process of carefully developing their unique characters and through point of view, both Edith Wharton and Ernest Hemingway ultimately convey the significant revelation in the short stories, â€Å"Roman Fever†and â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†respectively. The use of these two literary techniques is essential because they provide the readers with the necessary clues toRead MoreThe, The Sun Also Rises, By Pablo Neruda1619 Words  | 7 PagesXVI†, his expressive language highlights the vital reliance of these two opposing forces in saying that it keeps the physical and emotional space between two people just wide enough to prevent the two forces from ever touching. On the same token, Ernest Hemingway’s , The Sun Also Rises, highlights the destructive consequences of trying to close this gap. The opposing contrasts coupled with the inability to close the widening gap between two individuals call attention to the dilemma spread out overRead More Plight of the Code Hero in the Works of Ernest Hemingway Essay2466 Words  | 10 PagesThe Plight of the Code Hero in the Works of Ernest Hemingway        In his novels Ernest Hemingway suggests a code of behavior for his characters to follow: one that demands courage in difficult situations, strength in the face of adversity, and grace under pressure. Termed the code hero, this character is driven by the principal ideals of honor, courage, and endurance in a life of stress, misfortune, and pain. Despite the heros fight against life in this violent and disorderly worldRead MoreErnest Hemingway Essay6491 Words  | 26 Pages Table Of Contents: I. Intoduction II. Childhood III. A Writing Career Begins IV. Novels for the Ages V. Other Recognizable Works VI. Conclusion VII. Bibliography I. Introduction Across more than half a century, the life and work of Ernest Hemingway have been at the center of controversy and intrigue. From the moment he embarked on his career as a writer, he presented himself to the world as a man’s man, a sportsman, a street-wise reporter, a heroic, battle-scared soldier, and an aficionado ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Hills Like White Elephants 1911 Words  | 8 PagesElephants†Jig’s Abortion through the Historical and Textual Lens â€Å"I know you wouldn’t mind it, Jig. It’s really not anything. It’s just to let the air in†(Hemingway 213). In Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,†an abortion is debated through subtleties, similes, and symbols. The abortion is never explicitly mentioned, but instead Hemingway leaves the reader to conclude what this â€Å"simple operation†really is (213). With no decisive decision on the termination of the pregnancy revealed at the
Digital Media Technology Information Society
Question: Describe about the Digital Media Technology of Information Society. Answer: 1: Manners in web based world represents what behaviour is socially worthy in an online or advanced circumstance. While decorum is instilled into society, behaviour in innovation is a genuinely late idea. The standards of behaviour that apply when imparting over the Internet or informal communities or gadgets are not the same as those applying when conveying in individual or by sound, (for example, phone) or videophone, (for example, Skype video). It is a social code of system correspondence. Normal guidelines for electronic mails in addition to Usenet, for example, maintaining a strategic distance from flame wars along with spam is consistent crosswise over most mediums and groups. Another tenet is to abstain from writing in all tops or horribly expanding script for accentuation, which is thought to be what, might as well be called yelling or hollering. Other ordinarily shared focuses, for example, recollecting that one's posts are (or can without much of a stretch be made) open, are b y and large naturally comprehended by distributers of Web pages and blurbs to Usenet, in spite of the fact that this tenet is to some degree adaptable relying upon the earth(Berleur, 2010). 2: Great correspondence is vital for the general wellbeing of your business. Interior and outer composed and oral correspondence speaks to the level of polished methodology in your organization. Unseemly business correspondence can harm customer connections, lower spirit among representatives and adversely influence your organization's notoriety. Make clear rules in composing for representatives on what is suitable and expected in all types of correspondence to keep away from the results of awful correspondence. There are various kinds of communication which are considered to be as unacceptable some of them are listed below: Email Written communication Telephonic communication Communication over social media Communication via sending text messages This type of communication is considered to be as unacceptable because most of the miscommunication occurs when this types of communication takes place(Yergensen, 2007). 3: Correspondence in online networking might be unsafe for relationship and connection. For instance, if individuals use correspondence applications adversely, for example, posting destructive, antagonistic words against individuals, they are spreading scorn and hostility between other individuals that additionally contributed in breaking numerous connections around the globe. Additionally, as far as connections, a few people are so impolite in online networking in light of the fact that they can shroud their genuine names and post anything they need so as to mischief others, the issue is that they are doing this for just fun and that happens particularly between youngsters (Burke, 2016). In addition to this, a few people can deceive others in online networking, for instance, they are pretending that they give it a second thought or love others particularly between youngers just to get advantage from them and they can without much of a stretch coerce them which it contributes also to br eak numerous connections around the globe and lose trust in online networking(Page, 2014). References Berleur, J. J., 2010. What Kind of Information Society? Governance, Virtuality, Surveillance, Sustainability,. illustrated ed. s.l.:Springer Science Business Media. Burke, R. J., 2016. Corporate Reputation: Managing Opportunities and Threats. s.l.:CRC Press. Page, R., 2014. Researching Language and Social Media: A Student Guide. s.l.:Routledge. Yergensen, B., 2007. The Rhetorical Interlude: Examining Key Film Speeches in Cultural/Historical Context. Journal of the Communication Speech Theatre Association of North Dakota, 20(7), pp. 1-86.
Managing People and Organization
Question: Discuss about theManaging People and Organization. Answer: Introduction: Richard Branson Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is an English business magnate investor and the founder of Virgin Group. At a young age, Branson expressed his wish to become an entrepreneur. In the year 2000, Branson was knighted at Buckingham Palace for "services to entrepreneurship". Branson mainly believes in three factors that help him to lead a balanced life. The three factors are technology, his family and his office. Technology permits him to keep his life on track. His family helps him to be grounded and positive (Alter, 2014). Implication for Employees The implication for working with this individual will be outstanding, as Branson believes in the wellbeing of the individuals. He also believes in the fact that business is about people, people and people. When Virgin was in its infancy, the term employee wellbeing used to sound as an alien concept. Branson helps his employees to live a healthy life by letting them to work from home, granting them unlimited leaves, providing them with integrated technologies and maintain happiness in the workplace (Finnegan, 2013). Employees are thus encouraged as they find a balanced life between their work and personal lives. The strategy does not include any magic formula; rather it is important to treat the employees the way they want to be treated. The employees will have a desire to work on projects that will mean something to them and they will want to be surrounded by employees who will treat them with respect (Abubakar, 2016). Strategies If this strategy can be put into practice by the companies then it lead to the wellbeing of the employees. However, there have been a lot of debate that have been taking place regarding the flexible working hours. This is because there are some people are strictly against unlimited leave policy. On the other hand, Virgin believes in the fact that flexible working is smart working. As a result, they become successful in hiring brilliant employees. To cope with situation the strategies might include that the employees should be given unlimited leaves only for a specified time in a month (Bower, 2014). References Abubakar, S. G. (2016). Examining The Culture Of An Organisation, Its Leadership Styles, Structure, Diversity Issues And Conflicts: A Case Study Of Virgin Atlantic, United Kingdom. Development, 4(2). Alter, S. (2014). How to market like Richard Branson. Journal of Property Management, 79(6), 14-15. Bower, T. (2014). Branson: Behind the Mask. Faber Faber. Finnegan, M. (2013). Boeing 787s to create half a terabyte of data per flight, says Virgin Atlantic. Computerworld UK, 6.
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