Monday, December 30, 2019
Worked Chemistry Problem Examples
This is a collection of worked general chemistry and introductory chemistry problems, listed in alphabetical order. Included are printable pdf chemistry worksheets so you can practice problems and then check your answers. You may also browse chemistry problems according to the type of problem. Alphabetical Index of Chemistry Problem Types Absolute ErrorAccuracy ReviewAcid-Base TitrationActivation Energy CalculationAngle Between Two VectorsAqueous Solution DilutionsAtomic Mass OverviewAtomic Mass Isotopic AbundanceAtomic Mass from Atomic AbundanceAtomic Weight CalculationAverage of a Set of NumbersAvogadros LawAvogadros Gas LawAvogadros Numberâ€â€Finding Mass of a Single AtomAvogadros Numberâ€â€Mass of a Known Number of MoleculesAvogadros Numberâ€â€Finding Number of Molecules in a Known MassBalancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€TutorialBalancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€ExampleBalancing Redox Reactionsâ€â€Example and TutorialBalancing Redox Reactions in a Basic Solutionâ€â€ExampleBalancing Redox Equationsâ€â€TutorialBohr Atom Energy LevelsBohr Atom Energy ChangeBoiling Point ElevationBond Energies EnthalpiesBond PolarityBoyles LawBoyles Gas LawCalorimetry Heat FlowCarbon-14 DatingCelsius to Kelvin Temperature ConversionCharles Gas LawClausius-Clapeyron EquationConcentration and Molarity Determine a Concentration From A Known Mass of SoluteConcentration and Molarityâ€â€Preparing a Stock SolutionConcentration and Molarityâ€â€Finding Concentration of Ions in an Aqueous SolutionCovalent Bond ExamplesDaltons Law of Partial Pressuresde Broglie Wavelength CalculationDensity CalculationDensity of a Solid and a LiquidDensity Example Problemâ€â€Finding Mass From DensityDensity of an Ideal GasDiamagnetismDilutions from Stock SolutionsElectron ConfigurationElectron Volt to Joule ConversionElectronegativityEmpirical FormulaCalculate Empirical and Molecular Formula of a CompoundEnthalpy Change - Enthalpy Change of a ReactionEnthalpy Change - Enthalpy Change of a Reaction of a Given MassEnthalpy Change - Enthalpy Change of WaterEntropy CalculationEntropy ChangeEntropy of ReactionEquation of a LineEquilibrium ConstantEquilibrium Constant for Gaseous ReactionsEquilibrium ConcentrationExperimental ErrorFeet to Inches ConversionFree Energy and PressureFree Energy and Rea ction SpontaneityFormal Charge - Lewis Structure Resonance StructuresFreezing Point DepressionFrequency to Wavelength ConversionGrahams LawGram to Mole ConversionGuy-Lussacs Gas LawHalf-LifeHeats of FormationHenderson-Hasselbalch EquationHenrys LawHesss LawIdeal Gas Example ProblemIdeal Gas LawIdeal Gasâ€â€Constant PressureIdeal Gasâ€â€Constant VolumeIdeal Gas Example Problemâ€â€Partial PressureIdeal Gas Example Problem–Unknown GasIdeal Gas vs Real Gasâ€â€van der Waals EquationIonic Bond ExamplesIonic Bond from ElectronegativityIsotopes and Nuclear Symbolsâ€â€Example 1Isotopes and Nuclear Symbolsâ€â€Example 2Joule to Electron Volt ConversionLaw of Multiple ProportionsLength Conversionâ€â€Angstroms to MetersLength Conversionâ€â€Angstroms to NanometersLength Conversionâ€â€Centimeters to MetersLength Conversionâ€â€Feet to KilometersLength Conversionâ€â€Feet to MetersLength Conversionâ€â€Kilometers to MetersLength Conversion Miles to KilometersLength Conversionâ€â€Millimeters to CentimetersLength Conversionâ€â€Millimeters to MetersLength Conversionâ€â€Micrometers to MetersLength Conversionâ€â€Nanometers to MetersLength Conversionâ€â€Nanometers to AngstromsLength Conversionâ€â€Yards to MetersDraw a Lewis StructureDraw a Lewis Structureâ€â€Octet Rule ExceptionLimiting Reactant Theoretical YieldMass Conversionsâ€â€Kilograms to GramsMass Conversionsâ€â€Pounds to KilogramsMass Conversionsâ€â€Ounces to GramsMassâ€â€Energy Relations in Nuclear ReactionsMass of Liquid from DensityMass Percent CompositionMass Percent Compositionâ€â€Example 2Mass Relations in Balanced EquationsMean of a Set of NumbersMean, Median, Mode and Range ExampleMolalityMolar MassMolarityMolarity to PPM ConversionMoleâ€â€Gram ConversionsMole Relations in Balanced EquationsMoles of C Atoms in 1 Mol SucroseMolecular Formula from Simplest FormulaMolecular Mass CalculationsNernst EquationNeu tralizing a Base with an AcidNormalityOsmotic PressureOxidation and ReductionOxidation or Reduction?Assigning Oxidation StatesParamagnetismPercent Composition by MassPercent ErrorpH CalculationpH Calculationâ€â€Example 2pH of a Strong AcidpH of a Strong BasePhosphate Buffer PreparationpOH CalculationPolyprotic Acid pHPopulation Standard DeviationPrecision ReviewPredicting Formulas of Compounds with Polyatomic IonsPredicting Formulas of Ionic CompoundsPrepare a Solution (Molarity)Pressure Conversion - Pa to atmPressure Conversionâ€â€millibar to atmPressure Conversionâ€â€atm to PaPressure Conversionâ€â€bars to atmPressure Conversionâ€â€atm to barsPressure Conversionâ€â€psi to atmPressure Conversionâ€â€atm to psiPressure Conversionâ€â€psi to PaPressure Conversionâ€â€psi to millibarsPressure Conversionâ€â€atm to psiProtons Electrons in IonsProtons Electrons in Ionsâ€â€Example 2Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons in Atoms/IonsRadioactive Decayâ €â€ÃŽ ± DecayRadioactive Decayâ€â€Electron CaptureRadioactive Decayâ€â€ÃŽ ²- DecayRaoults Lawâ€â€Example 1Raoults Lawâ€â€Example 2Raoults Lawâ€â€Example 3Rate of Radioactive DecayRates of ReactionReactions in Aqueous SolutionReaction QuotientRedox ReactionRelative ErrorRoot Mean Square Velocity of Ideal Gas MoleculesSample Standard DeviationScientific NotationSignificant FiguresSimplest Formula from Percent CompositionSolubility from Solubility ProductSolubility Product from SolubilityTemperature ConversionsTemperature Conversionsâ€â€Kelvin to Celsius FahrenheitTemperature Conversionsâ€â€Celsius to FahrenheitTemperature Conversionsâ€â€Celsius to KelvinTemperature Conversionsâ€â€Kelvin to CelsiusTemperature Conversionsâ€â€Fahrenheit to CelsiusTemperature Conversionsâ€â€Fahrenheit to KelvinTemperature That Fahrenheit Equals CelsiusTheoretical YieldTheoretical Yield #2Titration ConcentrationUncertaintyUnit Cancellingâ€â€English to Met ricUnit Cancellingâ€â€Metric to MetricUnit ConversionsUnit Conversionâ€â€What Is The Speed Of Light In Miles Per Hour?Vector Scalar ProductVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Centimeters to LitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Feet to Cubic InchesVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Feet to LitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Inches to Cubic CentimetersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Inches to Cubic FeetVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Meters to Cubic FeetVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Meters to LitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Gallons to LitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Inches to LitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Fluid Ounces to MillilitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Liters to MillilitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Microliters to MillilitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Milliliters to LitersVolume PercentWavelength to Frequency Conversion Chemistry Worksheets (Pdf to Download or Print) Metric to English Conversions WorksheetMetric to English Conversions AnswersMetric to Metric Conversions WorksheetMetric to Metric Conversions AnswersTemperature Conversions WorksheetTemperature Conversions AnswersTemperature Conversions Worksheet #2Temperature Conversions Answers #2Moles to Grams Conversions WorksheetMoles to Grams Conversions AnswersFormula or Molar Mass WorksheetFormula or Molar Mass Worksheet AnswersPracticing Balancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€WorksheetBalancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€AnswersPracticing Balancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€Worksheet #2Balancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€Answers #2Practicing Balancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€Worksheet #3Balancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€Answers #3Common Acid Names Formulasâ€â€WorksheetAcid Names and Formulasâ€â€AnswersPractice Calculations with Molesâ€â€WorksheetMole Calculationsâ€â€AnswersPractice Mole Relations in Balanced Equationsâ€â€WorksheetMole Relations in Balanced Equationsâ₠¬â€AnswersGas LawsGas Laws AnswersGas Laws Answersâ€â€Shown WorkLimiting Reagentâ€â€WorksheetLimiting Reagentâ€â€AnswersCalculating Molarityâ€â€WorksheetCalculating Molarityâ€â€AnswersAcid Base pHâ€â€WorksheetAcid Base pHâ€â€AnswersElectron Configurationsâ€â€WorksheetElectron Configurationsâ€â€AnswersBalancing Redox Reactionsâ€â€WorksheetBalancing Redox Reactionsâ€â€Answers
Sunday, December 22, 2019
White Over Black American Attitudes Toward Negro 1550-1812
Evaluation of sources White over Black: American attitudes toward Negro 1550-1812 is a book written by Winthrop D. Jordan, who was a historian in the subject of the history of slavery in the Americas. The purpose of this book is to offer his perspective on how Africans were treated in the Americas from 1550 to 1812. The content of this book is the history of how Africans were treated in the Americas between 1550 and 1812. The author offered his perspective on how Africans were treated in each historical period, which included the colonial period. The value of this book is that the book gives various evidence of how Africans were treated in the colonial period in Virginia. The book offered evidence from primary sources about how Africans were treated in the colonial period, which proved to be valuable in this essay in disproving the Handlins. The limitation of this book is that this book could only dedicate about 10 pages in the slavery in Virginia. Since it covered so much time period, some details were overlooked. In order to cover for this limitation, one should cross-check with other sources which primarily focus on the colonial slavery in the region of Virginia. The Phases of Conversion: A New Chronology for the Rise of Slavery in Early Virginia by John C. Coombs is a scholarly article published in Williams and Mary quarterly, which is a historical magazine dedicated to publishing studies of slavery in the Americas. The purpose of this document was to offer a newShow MoreRelated Racism Or Slavery Essay953 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferences that are shared, religion, culture, system of living (government and social practice), or in some cases looks. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;â€Å"Initially English contact with Africans did not take place primarily in a context which prejudged the Negro as a slave, at least not as a slave of Englishmen. Rather, Englishmen met Africans merely as another sort of men. Englishmen found the peoples of Africa very different form themselves. â€Å"Negroes†looked different to Englishmen; their religion was un-Christian;Read More Analysis of White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro by Winthrop D. Jordan1194 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro by Winthrop D. Jordan Winthrop D. Jordan author of White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro 1550-1812, expresses two main arguments in explaining why Slavery became an institution. He also focuses attention on the initial discovery of Africans by English. How theories on why Africans had darker complexions and on the peculiarly savage behavior they exhibited. Through out the first two chapters Jordan supports his opinionsRead MoreViews on Slavery by Higginbotham, Jr.,Winthrop D. Jordan, and Edmund S. Morgan1710 Words  | 7 PagesVirginia had already began to think of black people, be it they were free or indentured servants, as inferior to themselves before slavery was institutionalized. The Colonist’s had already begun to strategize legalities in regards on how black people were to be disciplined. Higginbotham has two reasons why Africans were not afforded the same liberties as that of the white indentured servants in Virginia. The first reason he states is that the majority o f white indentured servants came to VirginiaRead MoreWhen Faced With The Debate Between The Relationship Between1326 Words  | 6 Pagesadvanced as the dehumanizing treatment of slaves which led them to be viewed as nothing more than property. The first argument is addressed in the works of authors such as Ira Berlin, Edward S. Morgan, and Peter H. Wood. First when looking at American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia, by E. Morgan, one can see that he argues that racism was a product of chattel slavery. In many instances E. Morgan highlights how the economy shaped slavery, as well as the important role that classRead MoreThe History of African Americans: Slavery Essay1649 Words  | 7 Pageshistory of African-Americans has been a paradox of incredible triumph in the face of tremendous human tragedy. African-American persons were shown much discrimination and were treated as second class citizens in the colonies during the development of the nation. The first set men, women, and children to work in the colonies were indentured servants, meaning they were only required to work for a set amount of years before they received their freedom. Then, in 1619 the first black Africans came toRead M oreAfrican Slavery : Reasons For Rationale2337 Words  | 10 Pagessubsisted since the beginning of recorded human history, with evidence of the institution dating back to antiquity. What was particularly unique about the American Slavery system was that it was a system design to subjugate people based solely on darker skin colour. American slave-owners to justify the specific enslavement Negros used the idea of white â€Å"superiority†and African â€Å"Inferiority†for centuries. Eventually the concept of being a slave and being African were synonymous as the same thing. ThisRead MoreDid Slavery Cause Racism?3614 Words  | 15 Pagesreinforced existing perceptions of blacks racial inferiority. Racism both preexisted and survived slavery. The color of Africans skin intrigued, frightened, and repelled Europeans. Exaggerating the physical and mental differences that allegedly separated blacks from whites, European writers conjectured that blacks had descended from apes or had emerged as the result of a biblical curse on the descendants of Canaan and Ham. With the expansion of the Atlantic slave trade toward the end of the seventeenth
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Karl Marx and Max Weber Different Views on Capitialism Free Essays
string(135) " believed that alienation document by Marx little to do with ownership of the mode of production but was a consequence if bureaucracy\." Karl Marx and Max Weber speak about capitalism and social class. They both agree that modern methods of organization have tremendously increased the effectiveness and efficiency of production. However they both have different concept of theories. We will write a custom essay sample on Karl Marx and Max Weber Different Views on Capitialism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Karl Marx speaks about Alienation and Critique of Capitalism . Marx argued that this alienation of human work is precisely the defining feature of capitalism. He regards alienation as product of the evolution of division of labor, private property and the state: When these phenomena reach an advanced stage, as in capitalist society the individual experiences the entire objective world as a conglomerate of alien forces standing over and above them. Marx with Hegelian notion of alienation but developed a materialist concept. For Marx the possibility that one may give up ownership of one’s own labor, one’s capacity to transform the world- is tantamount to being alienation from ones own nature; it is a spiritual loss. Marx noted that alienation can only be overcome by revolutionary abolition of the economic system based on private property. In his â€Å"Preface a Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy†, Marx had expressed this economic dialectic by saying that it was when â€Å" the materials productive forces of society†came into conflict with â€Å" the existing relations of production†that historical upheavals resulted ( Marx, 1976,page 3. ). Marx critique of capitalism is that it still produce inequality, reduces family relationship, destroys small business, enslaves and reduces all human relations to commercial relations. Marx states that, for the bourgeois man, the wife is reduced to a mere instrument of production. Moreover, once the exploitation of laborer by the manufacturer has finished, then he is set upon, says Marx by other segments of the bourgeoisie the landlord, the shopkeeper, the pawn broker in bourgeois society â€Å"capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality (Marx and Engels, 1952, pages 51, 53, 65-70). Marx critique of capitalism was dialectical. He regarded capitalist society as an unprecedented historical advance from centuries of benighted feudalism. In 1848 Karl Marx wrote the Communist manifesto which was a formal statement of the communist party. The history of all Hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles and we find it everywhere a complicated arrangement of society into various orders, manifold graduation of social rank, (Cohen and Fermon, 448). Marx believed that throughout the past the great societies of the world have all experienced class struggles in all their internal conflict. Marx felt that the class struggle that exists in illustrated class distinctions in both ancient histories. Marx explained in ancient Rome we have patricians, knights, plebeians and slaves; in middle ages, feudal lords, vassals, guide masters, journeymen and apprentices. (Cohen and Fermon, 448). Marx makes this point to show that if a knight fought a slave then it was a class struggle, the oppressor vs. the oppressed. In the term of social class Marx’s theories postulate that the owners or means of production exploit those who produce goods and services, while the working class becomes alienated consumers. Most of it centered upon what has been described as Marx’s oversimplification of the dialectical approach in which history is described as little more than series of conflict between the owning and working classes. Capitalism is the idea of a company or corporation owning and controlling all means bourgeoisie control the socioeconomic system and has the proletariat work under them, if the proletariat wanted change; it was not possible because of how the system was designed. In order to gain a capitalist society, the bourgeoisie must first take complete control of the situation and become distinguished owners in a society. After they own a big and successful corporation they then have workers in which they train and make their workers believe that in order to survive they must work and brainwashing the workers mind, this is all they will know how to do and will teach their children to do the same, therefore letting the main owners continue to remain the main owners of society. Marx understood this struggle between these two classes, he knew this soon would become unacceptable to workers and they would come to realization of the inequity in their society. Max Weber theory of class is that capitalist and the proletarian meet in a market and come into it in different ways as purchaser of labor power and as seller, as someone able to wait, not compelled to buy or sell merely to survive another day that’s the capitalist and as someone who must sell his services today or starve. Therefore Marx two classes, in Weber view are distinguished essentially by their relation to a market and precisely by their bargaining power. Bargaining power is matter of monopoly or lack of it. Weber then analyses class mainly in terms of â€Å"monopoly†. To Max Weber, writing in the early 1900s, Marx’s view was too simple –he agreed that different classes exist but he thought that â€Å"Status†or â€Å"Social Prestige†was the key factor in deciding which group each one of us belongs to. Where we live, our manner of speech, our schooling, our leisure habits, these and many other factors decide our social class. He thought that the way each person thinks about his/her â€Å"Life Chances†- if we feel that we can become a respected and highly valued member of the society, then this is likely to put us in higher social class than some others. Max Weber his studies of rationalization in the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1985) in which he argued that the redefinition of the connection between work and piety in the Protestantism that shifted human effort towards rational efforts aimed by achieving economic gain. He later works, notably his studies on bureaucracy and on the classifications of authority into three types: legitimate, traditional and charismatic. In these works Weber described what he saw as society’s movement toward rationalizations. Weber believed that alienation document by Marx little to do with ownership of the mode of production but was a consequence if bureaucracy. You read "Karl Marx and Max Weber Different Views on Capitialism" in category "Essay examples" Antony Giddens in his Introduction to the Protestant Ethic in and the Spirit of capitalism (1985) says Weber’s work can be approached on several levels. It can see as a specific historical thesis, claiming a correlation between Calvinism and entrepreneurial attitudes, or a casual analysis of the influence of Puritanism upon capitalist activity. It can also be viewed as an interpretation of the origins of the key components of modern Western society as a whole. It can also be seem finally as part of an attempt to identify divergent courses in the rationalization of culture. Weber’s view was that religion answered man’s need for a coherent account of his situation. He focused on religion ideology, in particular the Protestant Ethic and how it brought about rationalization of conduct in everyday life. His ideas had unanticipated consequences foe economic development. Weber was concerned with â€Å"the influence of those psychological sanctions which originating in religious belief and practice of religion gave direction to practical conduct and held the individual to it†Karl Marx and Max Weber in Social Class Most societies throughout history and the world have developed a notion of social class. It is refers to hierarchical distinctions between individuals or groups within society. How these social classes have been determined has been a common topic among social scientist throughout time. Two individuals who have headed this long standing debate are Karl Marx and Max Weber. In this section we will compare and contrast Marx and Weber’s theories on social class; how they determined, their interest and problems that may exist among groups. Marx first sets up his arguments on class by referring to the historical class struggles. â€Å"Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman in a word, oppressor and oppressed (n, d: 474). He believes society has spilt into two classes know as the Bourgeoisie and Proletariat. This is a key point because he defines class by their control over the mode of production. The mode of production refers to the specific organization of economic production in given society. A mode of production includes the means of production o used by society, such as factories, facilities, machines and raw materials. The Bourgeoisie is those in control of the means of production while the Proletariat must sell their labor. This was referred to as the market exchange value and was reflected in wages. The Bourgeoisie in this society tries to extract as much surplus value as to keep them alive and productive. This capitalist mode of production was the basic of class struggle. The worker or Proletariat approaches work as a mean of survival and not personal satisfaction because the products of labor no longer belong to him. â€Å"Modern industry has converted the little workshop of the patriarchal master into the great factory of the industrial capitalist. Masses of laborers, crowded into the factory, are organized like soldiers. They are daily and hourly enslaved by the machine, by the over looker and above all the individual bourgeois manufacturer himself (Marx: 479). †With the growth of industrialization the specialized skills of individuals are no longer useful all of those who do not own a means of production are forced into the Proletariat class. Competition between these workers allows wages to fluctuate often and working conditions worsen. To better these situations the Proletariat form trade unions to keep up rate ages. He believes humans meet their needs of existence by using labor as a sense of wee being. In this capitalistic system of private ownership the workers are robbed of their self worth and identity. The worker is estranged from the products he creates which will lead to revolution. This idea of revolution is where the objective and subjective interests of class’s interests may be objectively determined. An outsider observer should be able to determine a course of action for someone within that class. In the case of the proletariat it is in their objective interest to revolt. The reason for this is that most of the individuals within this class group want better conditions of life and work. They want better job security, improved wages and inexpensive consumer goods. The only way to achieve this goal would be revolt, forcing things to change. The problem lies within their subjective class interests which are on a more personal level. The members of the working class believe the bourgeoisie is acting in their best interests and to achieve financial well being they just need to continue to work hard, competing with one another. Some positives of Marx argument is the idea of class exploitation. He believes that proletariat should revolt due to the goals of the bourgeoisie. He refers to this struggle as the oppressed and the oppressor. This common historical theme of the oppressed and oppressor is covered thoroughly in his argument and he uses a good economical model to show this struggle. In this case it is the working class versus the owners. This type of societal dynamic can be mapped out in most societies. It can be the parent versus the child, boss versus worker, coach versus player, teacher versus student or any other situation in which one may feel oppressed by another. A Marx idea of class interest is a good basis of social protest and provides the ability to fight exploitation. An obvious negative part of his argument is the simplistic idea of class. He places everyone within two categories and this isn’t so easy. There is an example of the person who runs the factory in which the working class provides labor for. This supervisor can be seen as a member of the working class but does not participate in such manual labor and have such harsh working conditions and is paid more. On the other hand Max Weber had a problem with Marx’s simplistic view if social class distinctions. He believed that more factors went into determining ones social class along with there being more than two classes. Weber states â€Å"The way in which social honor is distributed in a community we may call the social order†(n. d. :181). This social honor is made up classes, status groups and parties. Power may also be derived from prestige or property but do not always run hand in hand. Rich people tend to be more powerful than poor people as well as being held in high regard more often. Property may bring prestige but it an also come from athletic or intellectual ability. Karl Marx and Max Weber in Capitalism Karl Marx and Max Weber, both born in 19th century and after comparing their sayings and way each one was thinking and analyzed the case of capitalism in societies an affair that still remains a main condition nowadays. Sociology stands through the years on what important persons (Weber and Marx) said in the past and most of others’ ideas are builded that o capitalism and industry, which is still relevant and linked somehow to capitalism. As we all may have realized in modern society through experience and facts, routine is something that we get used to it from the early years of our existence and routine is what we actually repeat like a music, either weekly or yearly or it might be even more frequently (e. g. daily). In such a period of time, our programmed is full of work, duties, responsibilities, leisure activities and many other tasks that could give as a living, a living which needs a bit everything in order to survive. During our lives (which are bombed daily from useless information) through the past years decades years, â€Å"we†(on behalf of our ancestors) changed that way we view, the way we face, we acknowledge, we define and accept the reality in the way it is. Having an income just for living is not our main goal but it is just one of those many targets we have, probably for a promise to help our families to help our families but still not the main one. In the past, many decades ago, having your home fully or somewhat with just the appropriate furniture could give you a prestige that meant something for the rest of the people in the whole society. Ti could integrate you in a higher social class and make you more acceptable from an larger scale â€Å"audience†. In the modern society social class changed criteria while now a person who is not working is faced off as an insignificant human being. Unfortunately this happens again even if a person works, but his or her job is not a â€Å"chic†one, like a top manager etc. Life aims to easy entertainment buying things etc, as consumption is the â€Å"central role†of life; and because of that people want to buy and use their available time not only for working but also for having a â€Å"personal ife†which everybody has and deserves, society started working more â€Å"in ordered to be to afford to buy goods, services, ideas etc†. This need of everyone who wants to work (for his or her own personal reasons each one), brought to the industrial society the concern of capitalism. Working environments changed as human and natural collapsed. Capitalism is the new â€Å"fashion†of every single developed modern society. Capitalism is the field of battle of social classes, the reason of which people with economic case, â€Å"rich†people getting richer and poor, poorer. People with money started giving job opportunities to people with less money and want to work, to people who appreciate life and its advantages and want to live it with pride, respectability and honorableness. In that way,†rich†people where (they are still) using the elbow grease of others in order to earn more money and others where taking just a little income to survive with their families. Here, the two important persons mentioned before, two worldwide know sociologists of 19th century come to give their personal perspective on the fact of capitalism. Max Weber believes that capitalism is not a significant problem and do not reprehend it as Karl Marx. Weber believed that capitalist development â€Å"depended on the systematic application of impersonal rules and regulations in the pursuit of people with money, lead them in the inhuman laws of work which wanted people working (in the past and modern society) in sweatshops for a piece of bread and â€Å"mangers†(they) or people owing the machinery and all required things needed, sitting and waiting for their own income against poor people’s elbow grease. In that sense, Karl Marx theory is quite similar with Weber’s. As mentioned before, Karl Marx believed stronger than Weber that capitalism it was a problem with high significance. He believed that when capitalism occurs, social classes are somehow mixed up and a disparity of them appears in society. He faced in part capitalism with emotional way, trying to give to the workers hope and certitude. Exploitation of workers was the biggest effect of capitalism and as capitalism was continuing exploitation would not only follow but being increased. Weber’s thesis was supporting the opinion that while capitalism continues, capitalists would benefit more (earnings) but workers wouldn’t earn ever more than what they need to reach the survival level. These cause workers to loose their personality. Capitalism is cause of this case. It’s the main issue and many sociologists tend to analyze it such persons were Marx and Weber How to cite Karl Marx and Max Weber Different Views on Capitialism, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Prohibition DBQ free essay sample
The prohibition movement occurred during the era of progressive reform. The Eighteenth Amendment and its accompanying act, the Volstead Act, brought about the ideas of the prohibitionists. Though there were some negatives setbacks to the prohibition movement, the movement was ultimately a success because of the widening support for the Anti-Saloon League. The prohibition movement received much support from the Anti-Saloon League. Alcohol and saloons were very closely related. The Anti-Saloon League developed a strong distaste to saloons in the United States, causing them to back prohibition. Some believed that the saloon lobby was always found in alliance with every other corrupt and evil influence (Document G). This showed the corrupt correlation between alcohol and legislature. Many believed that saloons should be kept away from industries with hazardous characters and with men who work at night time, and kept away from places where girls or adult women may pass (Document D). We will write a custom essay sample on Prohibition DBQ or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Saloons degraded women by having pictures of life-sized naked women in the saloon (Document A). This mentality continued to be shown away from saloons when men would believe that a woman’s only place is the home (Document P). This showed the negative impacts saloons could have on the rest of society. A majority began to agree with the Anti-Saloon League. The Anti-Saloon League tried to appeal to members of church, as these people were higher supports of the prohibition movement. Every step the country was taking was regarded as an act of Divine intervention (Document L). It was shown that clergymen supported prohibition more than members of any other profession (Document J). These men believed that deliverance would come, but it would come from the sober (Document I). Many people also believed that regardless of their view on prohibition, they should pay tribute to the â€Å"efficiency and courage†of the churches in this fight (Document Q). This just shows the effect and support churches had on the prohibition movement. Thus, it only makes sense that the Anti-Saloon League would appeal to members of church. The Anti-Saloon League also spread facts to add more members. They showed how children with more alcoholic parents had a higher chance of having brain defects (Document B). The Anti-Saloon League helped spread the notion that alcohol was bad for the country in every way (Document S). This helped many people to start to see the problems caused by alcohol. People started to see that alcohol should not be used as a tonic or source of medicine (Document C). People also started to see the negative economic ramifications caused by alcohol. The league also used â€Å"practical politics†to gain information about their voters (Document O). The Anti-Saloon League’s advertising worked. In 1910 37. 8% of prohibitionist leaders resided in places with 100,000 or more occupants (Document K) and in 1917 very few states were still considered â€Å"wet†(Document M). The Anti-Saloon League was successful in spreading its facts to the rest of the country and gaining higher support for the prohibition cause. The prohibition movement did receive minor setbacks; however, the movement was ultimately a success. This was most definitely because of the zeal and determination of the Anti-Saloon League. In the end, the Anti-Saloon League and its followers gave the prohibition movement the push it needed to pass the 18th Amendment.
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