Monday, December 30, 2019
Worked Chemistry Problem Examples
This is a collection of worked general chemistry and introductory chemistry problems, listed in alphabetical order. Included are printable pdf chemistry worksheets so you can practice problems and then check your answers. You may also browse chemistry problems according to the type of problem. Alphabetical Index of Chemistry Problem Types Absolute ErrorAccuracy ReviewAcid-Base TitrationActivation Energy CalculationAngle Between Two VectorsAqueous Solution DilutionsAtomic Mass OverviewAtomic Mass Isotopic AbundanceAtomic Mass from Atomic AbundanceAtomic Weight CalculationAverage of a Set of NumbersAvogadros LawAvogadros Gas LawAvogadros Numberâ€â€Finding Mass of a Single AtomAvogadros Numberâ€â€Mass of a Known Number of MoleculesAvogadros Numberâ€â€Finding Number of Molecules in a Known MassBalancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€TutorialBalancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€ExampleBalancing Redox Reactionsâ€â€Example and TutorialBalancing Redox Reactions in a Basic Solutionâ€â€ExampleBalancing Redox Equationsâ€â€TutorialBohr Atom Energy LevelsBohr Atom Energy ChangeBoiling Point ElevationBond Energies EnthalpiesBond PolarityBoyles LawBoyles Gas LawCalorimetry Heat FlowCarbon-14 DatingCelsius to Kelvin Temperature ConversionCharles Gas LawClausius-Clapeyron EquationConcentration and Molarity Determine a Concentration From A Known Mass of SoluteConcentration and Molarityâ€â€Preparing a Stock SolutionConcentration and Molarityâ€â€Finding Concentration of Ions in an Aqueous SolutionCovalent Bond ExamplesDaltons Law of Partial Pressuresde Broglie Wavelength CalculationDensity CalculationDensity of a Solid and a LiquidDensity Example Problemâ€â€Finding Mass From DensityDensity of an Ideal GasDiamagnetismDilutions from Stock SolutionsElectron ConfigurationElectron Volt to Joule ConversionElectronegativityEmpirical FormulaCalculate Empirical and Molecular Formula of a CompoundEnthalpy Change - Enthalpy Change of a ReactionEnthalpy Change - Enthalpy Change of a Reaction of a Given MassEnthalpy Change - Enthalpy Change of WaterEntropy CalculationEntropy ChangeEntropy of ReactionEquation of a LineEquilibrium ConstantEquilibrium Constant for Gaseous ReactionsEquilibrium ConcentrationExperimental ErrorFeet to Inches ConversionFree Energy and PressureFree Energy and Rea ction SpontaneityFormal Charge - Lewis Structure Resonance StructuresFreezing Point DepressionFrequency to Wavelength ConversionGrahams LawGram to Mole ConversionGuy-Lussacs Gas LawHalf-LifeHeats of FormationHenderson-Hasselbalch EquationHenrys LawHesss LawIdeal Gas Example ProblemIdeal Gas LawIdeal Gasâ€â€Constant PressureIdeal Gasâ€â€Constant VolumeIdeal Gas Example Problemâ€â€Partial PressureIdeal Gas Example Problem–Unknown GasIdeal Gas vs Real Gasâ€â€van der Waals EquationIonic Bond ExamplesIonic Bond from ElectronegativityIsotopes and Nuclear Symbolsâ€â€Example 1Isotopes and Nuclear Symbolsâ€â€Example 2Joule to Electron Volt ConversionLaw of Multiple ProportionsLength Conversionâ€â€Angstroms to MetersLength Conversionâ€â€Angstroms to NanometersLength Conversionâ€â€Centimeters to MetersLength Conversionâ€â€Feet to KilometersLength Conversionâ€â€Feet to MetersLength Conversionâ€â€Kilometers to MetersLength Conversion Miles to KilometersLength Conversionâ€â€Millimeters to CentimetersLength Conversionâ€â€Millimeters to MetersLength Conversionâ€â€Micrometers to MetersLength Conversionâ€â€Nanometers to MetersLength Conversionâ€â€Nanometers to AngstromsLength Conversionâ€â€Yards to MetersDraw a Lewis StructureDraw a Lewis Structureâ€â€Octet Rule ExceptionLimiting Reactant Theoretical YieldMass Conversionsâ€â€Kilograms to GramsMass Conversionsâ€â€Pounds to KilogramsMass Conversionsâ€â€Ounces to GramsMassâ€â€Energy Relations in Nuclear ReactionsMass of Liquid from DensityMass Percent CompositionMass Percent Compositionâ€â€Example 2Mass Relations in Balanced EquationsMean of a Set of NumbersMean, Median, Mode and Range ExampleMolalityMolar MassMolarityMolarity to PPM ConversionMoleâ€â€Gram ConversionsMole Relations in Balanced EquationsMoles of C Atoms in 1 Mol SucroseMolecular Formula from Simplest FormulaMolecular Mass CalculationsNernst EquationNeu tralizing a Base with an AcidNormalityOsmotic PressureOxidation and ReductionOxidation or Reduction?Assigning Oxidation StatesParamagnetismPercent Composition by MassPercent ErrorpH CalculationpH Calculationâ€â€Example 2pH of a Strong AcidpH of a Strong BasePhosphate Buffer PreparationpOH CalculationPolyprotic Acid pHPopulation Standard DeviationPrecision ReviewPredicting Formulas of Compounds with Polyatomic IonsPredicting Formulas of Ionic CompoundsPrepare a Solution (Molarity)Pressure Conversion - Pa to atmPressure Conversionâ€â€millibar to atmPressure Conversionâ€â€atm to PaPressure Conversionâ€â€bars to atmPressure Conversionâ€â€atm to barsPressure Conversionâ€â€psi to atmPressure Conversionâ€â€atm to psiPressure Conversionâ€â€psi to PaPressure Conversionâ€â€psi to millibarsPressure Conversionâ€â€atm to psiProtons Electrons in IonsProtons Electrons in Ionsâ€â€Example 2Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons in Atoms/IonsRadioactive Decayâ €â€ÃŽ ± DecayRadioactive Decayâ€â€Electron CaptureRadioactive Decayâ€â€ÃŽ ²- DecayRaoults Lawâ€â€Example 1Raoults Lawâ€â€Example 2Raoults Lawâ€â€Example 3Rate of Radioactive DecayRates of ReactionReactions in Aqueous SolutionReaction QuotientRedox ReactionRelative ErrorRoot Mean Square Velocity of Ideal Gas MoleculesSample Standard DeviationScientific NotationSignificant FiguresSimplest Formula from Percent CompositionSolubility from Solubility ProductSolubility Product from SolubilityTemperature ConversionsTemperature Conversionsâ€â€Kelvin to Celsius FahrenheitTemperature Conversionsâ€â€Celsius to FahrenheitTemperature Conversionsâ€â€Celsius to KelvinTemperature Conversionsâ€â€Kelvin to CelsiusTemperature Conversionsâ€â€Fahrenheit to CelsiusTemperature Conversionsâ€â€Fahrenheit to KelvinTemperature That Fahrenheit Equals CelsiusTheoretical YieldTheoretical Yield #2Titration ConcentrationUncertaintyUnit Cancellingâ€â€English to Met ricUnit Cancellingâ€â€Metric to MetricUnit ConversionsUnit Conversionâ€â€What Is The Speed Of Light In Miles Per Hour?Vector Scalar ProductVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Centimeters to LitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Feet to Cubic InchesVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Feet to LitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Inches to Cubic CentimetersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Inches to Cubic FeetVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Meters to Cubic FeetVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Meters to LitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Gallons to LitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Cubic Inches to LitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Fluid Ounces to MillilitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Liters to MillilitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Microliters to MillilitersVolume Conversionsâ€â€Milliliters to LitersVolume PercentWavelength to Frequency Conversion Chemistry Worksheets (Pdf to Download or Print) Metric to English Conversions WorksheetMetric to English Conversions AnswersMetric to Metric Conversions WorksheetMetric to Metric Conversions AnswersTemperature Conversions WorksheetTemperature Conversions AnswersTemperature Conversions Worksheet #2Temperature Conversions Answers #2Moles to Grams Conversions WorksheetMoles to Grams Conversions AnswersFormula or Molar Mass WorksheetFormula or Molar Mass Worksheet AnswersPracticing Balancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€WorksheetBalancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€AnswersPracticing Balancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€Worksheet #2Balancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€Answers #2Practicing Balancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€Worksheet #3Balancing Chemical Equationsâ€â€Answers #3Common Acid Names Formulasâ€â€WorksheetAcid Names and Formulasâ€â€AnswersPractice Calculations with Molesâ€â€WorksheetMole Calculationsâ€â€AnswersPractice Mole Relations in Balanced Equationsâ€â€WorksheetMole Relations in Balanced Equationsâ₠¬â€AnswersGas LawsGas Laws AnswersGas Laws Answersâ€â€Shown WorkLimiting Reagentâ€â€WorksheetLimiting Reagentâ€â€AnswersCalculating Molarityâ€â€WorksheetCalculating Molarityâ€â€AnswersAcid Base pHâ€â€WorksheetAcid Base pHâ€â€AnswersElectron Configurationsâ€â€WorksheetElectron Configurationsâ€â€AnswersBalancing Redox Reactionsâ€â€WorksheetBalancing Redox Reactionsâ€â€Answers
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